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Welcome to Careers in Health and Social Care



Hosted and supported by t2 group, the UK's leading Health and Social Care training provider. This website aims to provide you with all the information and support you need to get a job and develop a long-term career in Health and Social Care.

The sector needs to recruit an extra 520,000 people by 2035

Did you know as the demand for care and support grows, so does the increasing need to recruit more new staff to deliver high-quality care and support. The workforce increased by 17,000 jobs between 2018/19 and 2019/20 and this is expected to increase significantly again in 2022.


Some key facts about the sector, so you can see the huge opportunities available to you...

Here are some stories from people who have chosen to develop their careers in Health and Social Care

Peter Rogers, International rugby player

Former London Irish and Wales rugby player changes direction with an Apprenticeship

Former Wales prop forward Peter Rogers has become one of the country's oldest Apprentices as he uses the skills gained while playing international rugby union against the world's best teams to guide his new career in health and social care.

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Peter Rogers, International rugby player